Gegužės 03 d.

Uosto technologijų hakatonas kviečia susipažinti su pateiktais iššūkiais

2022-08-17 16:20 Dalintis:

Pažangius sprendimus šiandienos ir ateities uostams kviečiantis kurti hakatonas „Portathon“ tarptautinę inovatorių bendruomenę šiemet suburs rugsėjo 30 – spalio 2 dienomis. Jau ketvirtus metus plėtojama iniciatyva, kurios idėjinis lopšys ir pagrindinė bazė yra Klaipėdoje, šiemet sparnus plečia dar veržliau prisijungus Europos universitetų aljansui EU CONEXUS.

Pagrindinės tematinės „Portathon 2022“ iššūkių kategorijos šiemet atkartos jau pernai brėžtas kryptis – tai logistika, energetika, tvari uostų ir uostamiesčių aplinka, kibernetinis saugumas.
Sprendimų generavimui hakatono dalyviai tradiciškai dedikuoja 48 valandas. Stipriausiomis pripažintos komandos bus įvertintos 1 000 Eur piniginiais prizais.
„Portathon“ idėjinis ir organizacinis branduolys - Lietuvos jūrinis klasteris, Klaipėdos universitetas, šiemet 20 metų veiklos sukaktį minintis Klaipėdos mokslo ir technologijų parkas ir Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija. Pastaroji organizacija tapo pirmąja, šiemet pateikusia savo iššūkius hakatono komandoms.

1. Išmani sichchronizuoto eismo reguliavimo sistema.
Sistema turėtų įvertinti miesto transporto ir krovinių srautus, kurie gabenami laivais, geležinkeliu bei sunkvežimiais, ir padėti esimą sureguliuoti taip, kad būtų užtikrintas sklandus transporto judėjimas išvengiant spūsčių, nenumatyto sunkiasvorio transporto stovėjimo ir padidintos taršos.

2. Elektros energijos poreikio nustatymo (Onshore Power Supply/ OPS) įrankis uostui.
IT sprendimas turėtų įvertinti atplaukiančių ir uoste prisišvartuojančių laivų elektros energijos poreikį. Remiantis gaunamais duomenimis, krantinėse būtų užtikrinamas reikiamas OPS stočių kiekis ir energetiniai resursai, o laivų aprūpinimo elektros energija procesai būtų subalansuoti.

3. Nuotekų išleistuvų monitoringo sistema.
Skaitmenizuota vizualinio atpažinimo sistema turėtų identifikuoti pakitusią vandens, tekančio į marias skirtingiems ūkio subjektams priklausančiais išleistuvais, spalvą ar kitus specifinius parametrus, kurie signalizuotų apie galimą taršą ir būtinybę specialistams operatyviai atvykti paimti mėginius ir imtis kitų esamos (ar galimos) taršos atveju reikiamų veiksmų.

Pastaba: šį iššūkį drauge su Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija teikia AB „Klaipėdos vanduo".

4. Tvarus pakuotės dizaino sprendimas produktui, kuris skirtas naftos teršalų neutralizavimui jūrinėje aplinkoje.

Pakuotė turėtų ne tik užtikrinti gerą kontaktą tarp išsiliejusios naftos ir taršos neutralizavimui skirto produkto, kurio pagrindą sudaro mikroorganizmai, patalpinti šiauduose – natūralių pagalbinių medžiagų terpėje.
Biotechnologijos kūrėjai – Klaipėdos universitetas ir jo atžalinė įmonė „Inobiostar“, kuri ir teikia šį iššūkį hakatone "Portahon 2022".

Iššūkių sąrašas pildomas, tad kviečiame sekti renginio informaciją.

Iššūkių registracija tebėra atidaryta! Jūrinis verslas, viešojo sektoriaus organizacijos juos gali teikti ČIA

Išsamesni esamų iššūkių aprašymai anglų k. - žemiau.

1. Synchronized traffic application 
Klaipeda, as a maritime city, has been facing the challenge of adjusting freight transport and urban transport flows. Traffic is a source of air pollution, noise. Part of these negative consequences are caused by incoming, outgoing traffic to port (ferry operating on the principle of transit flow). The negative impact of traffic generated by the port on the population (air pollution, noise, traffic conflicts) is increasing accordingly. Addressing this challenge would eliminate the negative impact of port-generated traffic on the population and partially reduce the congestion on the city's streets.

The goal is to create a synchronized traffic application after synchronizing the data of ferry operations in the port and the data of cargo movement from the port area with the intelligent city traffic management system.

The infrastructure of Klaipėda State Seaport transport service and operation of the Klaipėda city transport system consists of the whole network of Klaipėda accesses A1, A13, No.141 and No.168, other roads, city B and C category streets, ferries and entrances to the seaport, which is a common communication system and developed by port undertakings and their customers with the same rights as all. In the system of Klaipėda city and port functioning, state roads A1 Vilnius – Kaunas – Klaipėda, A11 Šiauliai – Palanga, A13 Klaipėda – Liepoja, No.141 Kaunas – Jurbarkas – Šilutė – Klaipėda and No.168 Klaipėda – Kretinga are the main communication corridors with Klaipėda. Among those relations are the relations between Lithuania and foreign countries with the seaport and relocation abroad.


2. Identification tool for electricity (OPS) demand 
The greening of shipping is a priority for European port stakeholders. This entails addressing emissions from shipping both during navigation and at berth. Onshore power supply (OPS), also known as shore-side electricity, is one of the technologies available to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions at berth.

Shore-to-ship power, or shore-side electricity, can reduce emissions while ships are berthed in port by providing power from shore-side electricity rather than from the onboard auxiliary generators. This allows ships to turn off the auxiliary engines while they are docked in port, reducing their negative impact on local communities due to noise and air pollution.

Shore-to-ship power is especially applicable to ships operating on dedicated routes and vessels that consume large amounts of power when berthed. Typical vessel types in Klaipeda port include ferries, cruise ships, LNG carriers, tankers and container ships.
OPS facilities can serve as a clean power supply for maritime transport in Klaipeda Port where air quality is poor or noise levels are high. However, various technical challenges have led to limited adoption of this alternative solution. Although a sizeable majority of ships already are equipped with the potential for some electrical connection to shore, these typically involve low-voltage OPS for limited energy supply. This can be used in parallel with onboard energy or applied during periods when the ship is not in service, whilst at berth, with reduced power or energy demand.

The Port of Klaipėda aims to develop an electricity demand estimation tool to accurately estimate the demand for OPS based on the number of ships calling at the port and to distribute this demand evenly among customers by establishing infrastructure for this purpose. That requires an IT tool for easy access of OPS and electrical power. purpose.

3. The monitoring system for the rain water outlets 
The total of 67 outfalls of municipal and industrial wastewater, stormwater are discharged into the Curonian Lagoon. In order to ensure maximum control over these outfalls, the Portathon 2022 teams are challenged to develop an operative monitoring system for the stormwater (rain or snowmelt) outlets to identify pollution cases using water quality or visual recognition systems. By using data from the challenge providers - AB Klaipėdos vanduo and Klaipėda State Seaport Authority – to generate a solution that would be able to identify the release of polluted water and send an alarm.

4. Sustainable packaging design for natural oil spills sorbent

When a spill occurs, it is important to clean it up as soon as possible to minimise the damage to nature. Oil spills treatment methods can be systemized as mechanical, chemical or biological. To collect fuel waste modern industry mainly uses chemicals. They make fuel waste heavier, it sinks out of sight to the seabed, but does not solve the problem. There is a need for sustainable innovative solutions which will help to minimize risks for the local ecosystem and negative impacts on human well-being.

One of the deep tech innovations developed by Inobiostar and Klaipeda University is a biotechnology. It is designed for the decomposition of oil pollutants in the marine environment, using oil-eating microorganisms extracted from the Baltic Sea environment. We found that some microorganisms use oil as a food. And we have only to create best conditions for them to fight with oil spills. So, in our labs we are combining those microorganisms with natural support materials like straw. As well as simulating different application scenarios.

Advantages of the technology:

  • environmentally friendly
  • using local raw materials (agricultural residue)
  • durable materials and a fast effect
  • to be used at any distance from the shore and any depth
  • easily adapted in different countries.

Our challenge for you is to find sustainable packaging design (shape, size and material) for our product – straw with oil-eating microorganisms.

Final product should be packaged using sustainable material with a good contact between spilled oil and the product. The package should be biodegradable or reusable. The shape and the size of the package should be user-friendly. It is important to have easer product transportation and storage.

Šaltinis: Klaipėdos mokslo ir technologijų parkas

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